Zimbra Trademarks
“Zimbra” and the Zimbra logo are trademarks of VMware, Inc. and are protected under the laws of the United States and other countries.
“Mr.Mail” is a Professional Zimbra Cloud Service Provider and it is NOT the owner of Zimbra trademark.VMware Zimbra’s logos, logotypes, product screen captures, and design marks are valuable assets that VMware Zimbra needs to protect. Accordingly, we at Mr.Mail follow these guidelines with respect to VMware Zimbra logos.”
Zimbra” and the Zimbra logo are trademarks of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra Copyright
The copyright in and to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite is owned by VMware, Inc. An appropriate copyright notice is carried within each source file of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, and also on the login screens of the user interface:
Portions © Copyright 2012 VMware, Inc
MrMail logo and name is also protected and we are the sole owner of the brand we have created. If you would like to use our logo / branding on your website, please, contact us for further details. All of our resellers are fully permitted to use our unmodified logo.
Other Company’s Trademarks
Microsoft, Outlook, Active Directory, Blackberry, Apple, Treo, Linux, iPhone and other third party trademarks referenced on this web site are property of their respective owners.